母乳喂养最新消息 //www.nitorex.com/healthnews/Breast-Feeding-news.asp 列出所有来自Medindia的关于母乳喂养的最新消息。 en - us 2023年版权。版权所有。 周四,2023年2月23日21:43:49 GMT <!Covid-19大流行期间母乳喂养安全吗?]] > //www.nitorex.com/news/is-it-safe-to-breastfeed-during-covid-19-pandemic-202554-1.htm New mothers, expecting mothers and lactating mothers had great concerns and questions about the Covid-19 virus and the entire vaccination process. Read on to know more if breastfeeding is safe or not during the pandemic. Amrita Desai, Assistant Manager -- Lactation Consultant, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, answers questions related to breastfeeding: bQ: Can Covid-19 be transmitted through breastfeeding?/b A: Transmission of active Covid-19 (virus that can cause infection) through ... //www.nitorex.com/news/is-it-safe-to-breastfeed-during-covid-19-pandemic-202554-1.htm <![欧盟卫生部称,感染SARS-CoV-2活动性的母亲可以母乳喂养婴儿 //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-with-active-sars-cov-2-infection-can-breastfeed-their-babies-says-union-health-ministry-202467-1.htm Nursing mothers with active SARS-CoV-2 infection can breastfeed their babies, a new advisory from the Union Health Ministry stated. Many pregnant women have contracted COVID-19 in the second wave compared to the first wave. Dr.Manju Puri, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Lady Hardinge Medical College, said, "A mother should continue to breastfeed the baby but is advised to keep the baby at a distance of six feet from her when she is not breastfeeding. A caregiver who ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-with-active-sars-cov-2-infection-can-breastfeed-their-babies-says-union-health-ministry-202467-1.htm <![CDATA[二甲双胍保护母乳喂养儿童]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/metformin-protects-breastfed-children-194838-1.htm Treating a breastfeeding parent with metformin, a common diabetes drug was found to provide male offspring lifelong protection against diabetes and obesity, revealed study published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. It was chosen as an APSselect article for May. Studies have shown that maternal stress during pregnancy can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in offspring. Overnutrition-excess consumption of food that may not be nutritionally ... //www.nitorex.com/news/metformin-protects-breastfed-children-194838-1.htm <![CDATA[服用抗癫痫药物的母亲可以安全母乳喂养]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-taking-antiepileptic-drugs-can-safely-breastfeed-192879-1.htm Antiepileptic drug (AED) exposure in infants who were breastfed by mothers with epilepsy doesnt produce any adverse effects, according to a study in iJAMA Neurology/i, done by the research team at the University of Minnesota. For mothers with epilepsy, there is no consensus within the medical community on if breastfeeding while taking antiepileptic drugs could have adverse side effects on their children. While previous studies examined breast milk concentrations of antiepileptic drugs, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-taking-antiepileptic-drugs-can-safely-breastfeed-192879-1.htm <![CDATA[母亲在工作中母乳喂养仍面临障碍:研究] //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-still-face-obstacles-to-breastfeed-at-work-study-192701-1.htm Despite the protections in place to support breastfeeding for employees, the burden still falls on working mothers to advocate for the resources they require, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iWorkplace Health (and) Safety/i. The study revealed gaps in the quality and accessibility of breastfeeding resources in the eyes of working mothers. "We know that there are benefits of breastfeeding for both the mother and the infant, and we know that returning ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-still-face-obstacles-to-breastfeed-at-work-study-192701-1.htm <![CDATA[新妈妈通过应用程序寻找母乳喂养决定]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-moms-seeking-breast-feeding-decisions-through-apps-192293-1.htm Infant feeding (IF) apps are providing mothers with a perception of greater control, confidence and efficiency during stressful early stages of parenting an infant, according to the study published in the iHealth Informatics Journal/i. Mobile phone apps are increasingly being used to support breastfeeding decisions-sometimes at a cost, researchers have found. However, with more than 100 such apps available, the mobile content can also present new mums with anoher set of potential worries, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-moms-seeking-breast-feeding-decisions-through-apps-192293-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的孩子有一个独特的预防肥胖的保护:这是为什么]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-children-have-a-unique-protection-against-obesity-heres-why-190481-1.htm Breastfed babies have a lesser chance of being affected by obesity than formula-fed ones because of the lowered expression of the hormone, leptin./br Understanding the link between genetic modification of leptin and obesity risk could advance strategies to prevent and treat childhood obesity and, its complications, in the future; as prevention is better than cure./br Childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic that can lead to the development of severe and debilitating conditions in ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-children-have-a-unique-protection-against-obesity-heres-why-190481-1.htm <!双相情感障碍药物治疗期间母乳喂养是否“安全”?]] > //www.nitorex.com/news/is-it-safe-to-breastfeed-while-on-bipolar-medication-188283-1.htm bHighlights/b: ul class="group-list punch-points"liMany studies suggest that it is safe for mothers taking lithium to breastfeed their infants. However, more research is needed to validate these findings /liliStudies to determine the safety of lithium in breastfed babies are few. Therefore, better designed and larger studies are needed in the future to fill this gap and gain more clarity/liliLithium is the gold standard of care ... //www.nitorex.com/news/is-it-safe-to-breastfeed-while-on-bipolar-medication-188283-1.htm <![CDATA[早产儿出生初期母乳喂养的可能性较小]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/premature-kids-less-likely-to-breastfeed-in-their-initial-days-187797-1.htm Early term infants are less likely to be breastfed compared to full-term infants within the first hour and at one month after birth, reveals a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iBreastfeeding Medicine/i. The article is entitled "Breastfeeding Intensity and Exclusivity of Early Term Infants at Birth and One Month" and was written by Anita Noble, DNSc, Hadassah-Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel), Lawrence Noble, MD, Elmhurst/Hospital/Icahn School of Medicine ... //www.nitorex.com/news/premature-kids-less-likely-to-breastfeed-in-their-initial-days-187797-1.htm <![CDATA[营养补充剂可以促进母乳喂养的早产儿生长]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/nutrient-supplement-can-boost-the-growth-of-breastfed-premature-babies-186473-1.htm Findings from a new clinical trial show that giving a supplement to breastfed premature infants after they discharge from the hospital can boost their growth and prevent weight loss in them. Breast milk alone does not always meet the dietary needs of vulnerable babies, born before 37 weeks, with about half failing to grow properly. According to Luise Marino, clinical academic pediatric dietitian at Southampton Children's Hospital, all babies lose about 10 per cent weight soon after birth, through water loss, the BBC reported.... //www.nitorex.com/news/nutrient-supplement-can-boost-the-growth-of-breastfed-premature-babies-186473-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的婴儿更容易成为右撇子:研究] //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-infants-more-likely-to-be-right-handed-study-184962-1.htm Do you want a lefty or righty? A new study suggests that prolonged breastfeeding can make your baby right-handed. Bottle feeding infants are associated with left-handedness, according to a new study from the University of Washington. The study found that the prevalence of left-handedness is lower among breastfed infants as compared to bottle-fed infants. This finding was identified in about 60,000 mother-infant pairs and accounted for known risk factors for handedness. The results provide ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-infants-more-likely-to-be-right-handed-study-184962-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养和配方奶喂养婴儿粪便比较]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/stools-of-breastfed-and-formula-fed-infants-compared-183629-1.htm During the first and second month of life, the average daily stool frequency was found to be significantly higher in the breastfed than formula fed infants, stated researchers who compared the stools of 40 infants who were exclusively breastfed with those of 13 who were exclusively formula fed. The Acta Paediatrica study also found that the stools were more liquid in the breastfed infants during the first three months, and infrequent stools were 3.5 times more likely in the breastfed infants (28 percent) than formula fed infants (8 percent).... //www.nitorex.com/news/stools-of-breastfed-and-formula-fed-infants-compared-183629-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养婴儿的妇女中风风险降低]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/stroke-risk-reduces-in-women-who-have-breastfed-their-babies-181960-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"liChances of having a stroke are reduced in post-menopausal women who have breastfed at least one child/liliStroke risk reduction is now an added benefit of breastfeeding that has already been shown to lower rates of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and diabetes, apart from proven health benefits for breastfed babies/liliBreastfeeding is still only one of the protective factors against stroke - the others being exercise, healthy eating, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/stroke-risk-reduces-in-women-who-have-breastfed-their-babies-181960-1.htm <![CDATA[护士研究人员创建一个10步模型来帮助母亲母乳喂养危重婴儿]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/nurse-researcher-creates-a-10-step-model-to-help-mothers-breastfeed-critically-ill-infants-181474-1.htm A 10-Step Model has been created by a Nurse-researcher- Diane Spatz to help Mothers Breastfeed their Critically Ill babies. The findings of study are published in the iJournal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing/i. Many of these newborns are born preterm or with congenital disabilities or other critical conditions. Spatz drew on her own extensive clinical experience and on research findings from the National Institutes of Health to create the Spatz 10-Step and Breastfeeding Resource Nurse Model ... //www.nitorex.com/news/nurse-researcher-creates-a-10-step-model-to-help-mothers-breastfeed-critically-ill-infants-181474-1.htm <![CDATA[双歧杆菌补充剂可以改善母乳喂养婴儿的肠道健康]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/bifidobacteria-supplement-can-improve-gut-health-in-breastfed-infants-180129-1.htm Bifidobacteria supplement can enhance gut health in breastfed infants, reports a new study. Supplementing breastfed infants with activated iBifidobacterium infantis/i (iB. infantis/i) bacteria had a positive impact on babies' gut microbes for up to a year, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of California, Davis and Evolve BioSystems Inc. The work was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Boston by Bethany Henrick, director of ... //www.nitorex.com/news/bifidobacteria-supplement-can-improve-gut-health-in-breastfed-infants-180129-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养婴儿红纸尿裤综合征治疗指南]]> . //www.nitorex.com/news/guidance-on-red-diaper-syndrome-treatment-in-breastfed-infants-179824-1.htm First-time guidance on how primary care physicians and parents can determine appropriate treatment on red diaper syndrome and other impacts on breastfeeding have been reported in iBreastfeeding Medicine/i. A case study and subsequent literature review has concluded that absent signs of clinical infection, breastfeeding should continue normally when mother and baby are diagnosed with Red Diaper Syndrome (pink-colored breast milk and pink-colored soiled diapers) caused by Serratia marcescens, an opportunistic bacteria.... //www.nitorex.com/news/guidance-on-red-diaper-syndrome-treatment-in-breastfed-infants-179824-1.htm <![CDATA[首位跨性别女性无需手术就能母乳喂养婴儿]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/first-transgender-woman-able-to-breastfeed-baby-without-undergoing-surgery-177002-1.htm A 30-year-old transgender woman becomes the first in the world to be able to breastfeed her baby without undergoing gender reassignment surgeries like breast augmentation or vaginoplasty. The unnamed woman wanted to breastfeed the child after her pregnant partner decided not to. She sought help from the doctors at Mt Sinai's Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery. The 30-year-old was put on hormone replacement therapy for three months before the child's birth using the drug domperidone, obtained from Canada.... //www.nitorex.com/news/first-transgender-woman-able-to-breastfeed-baby-without-undergoing-surgery-177002-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的女性患高血压的可能性较小] //www.nitorex.com/news/women-who-breastfeed-less-likely-to-suffer-from-hypertension-176603-1.htm Breastfeeding begin within the first hour of a baby's life and continue as often and as much as the baby wants. New research suggests that women who breastfeed more children and for a longer duration were less likely to suffer from hypertension after they reach menopause. According to the researchers, elevated blood pressure is the greatest single risk factor for disease and mortality. "Our findings endorsed the current recommendations for breastfeeding for the benefit of maternal health ... //www.nitorex.com/news/women-who-breastfeed-less-likely-to-suffer-from-hypertension-176603-1.htm <![CDATA[购物券激励妈妈母乳喂养]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/shopping-vouchers-motivate-mothers-to-breastfeed-their-babies-175424-1.htm Financial incentives to new mothers may increase breastfeeding rates, according to new research from the University of Sheffield and the University of Dundee. More than 10,000 new mothers across South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and North Nottinghamshire were involved in the ground breaking study which offered shopping vouchers worth up to 120 if their babies received breast milk (breastfeeding or expressed milk) at two days, 10 days and six weeks old. A further 80 of vouchers was available if their ... //www.nitorex.com/news/shopping-vouchers-motivate-mothers-to-breastfeed-their-babies-175424-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的母亲与孩子的关系更好]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/women-who-breastfed-bond-better-with-their-child-174197-1.htm Mothers who breastfed their child longer, are more sensitive to their child even after the child becomes a toddler. The results of a 10-year longitudinal study held true even after accounting for maternal neuroticism, parenting attitudes, ethnicity, mother's education and presence of a romantic partner. "It was surprising to us that breastfeeding duration predicted change over time in maternal sensitivity," said the study's lead author, Jennifer Weaver, PhD, of Boise State University.... //www.nitorex.com/news/women-who-breastfed-bond-better-with-their-child-174197-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养是准妈妈们的必需品]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/lessons-on-breast-feeding-is-a-necessity-for-mothers-to-be-172132-1.htm Breastfeeding is best for your baby, and it's good for your health, too. But it's not always easy. 'Get set before you go' is what a lactation consultant interprets on importance of pregnancy breastfeeding classes. Most of us have travelled to different places for work, pleasure, studies and more- nationally and internationally. Do we just pick up our bags and go? Or do we collect information about the place and try and contact people who know about that place? Then why is it that before embarking ... //www.nitorex.com/news/lessons-on-breast-feeding-is-a-necessity-for-mothers-to-be-172132-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养婴儿降低心脏病和中风风险] //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfeed-your-baby-to-reduce-risk-of-heart-disease-stroke-171072-1.htm bHighlights/b ul class = "group-list punch-points" li The short-term effects of breast feeding on weight reduction, blood pressure and cholesterol levels are well known. /li li A recent study finds that breastfeeding reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke in the long run. /li li Women who breastfed their babies had about a ten percent lower risk of developing heart disease or stroke. /li/ul Breastfeeding, the vital source of nutrition to the baby especially during ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfeed-your-baby-to-reduce-risk-of-heart-disease-stroke-171072-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养妇女代谢综合征风险降低]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/metabolic-syndrome-risk-reduced-in-women-who-breastfeed-167953-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"liBreastfeeding is associated with numerous health benefits for the mother/liliMetabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of risk factors that include obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose and dyslipidemia/liliMetabolic syndrome can lead to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and death./liliWomen who breastfeed (and) #8805;12 months during their lifetime have lower risk of metabolic syndrome./li/ul Women ... //www.nitorex.com/news/metabolic-syndrome-risk-reduced-in-women-who-breastfeed-167953-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养是婴儿的无与伦比的喂养方法]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breast-feeding-is-the-unequalled-method-for-feeding-infants-166070-1.htm An increasing number of new mothers are turning towards using expressed breast milk, either pumped or expressed by hand, instead of directly breast feeding their babies, reveals a new research. Breast feeding has previously been deemed important for the nutrition, immunology, growth and development of infants and toddlers. "Breast feeding is the unequalled method for feeding infants. Anything that contributes to shortening the recommended six months of exclusive breast feeding is a concern," ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breast-feeding-is-the-unequalled-method-for-feeding-infants-166070-1.htm <!有强烈天主教传统的女性不太可能母乳喂养]> //www.nitorex.com/news/women-with-strong-catholic-heritage-less-likely-to-breastfeed-165942-1.htm In developed Western nations with a strong Catholic heritage, women are less likely to breastfeed than those in countries where Protestantism predominates, concludes an observational study, published in the online journal BMJ Global Health. Policies promoting breastfeeding should be adapted to better fit prevailing cultural and religious norms, say the researchers. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that women breastfeed their babies exclusively for the first six months and ... //www.nitorex.com/news/women-with-strong-catholic-heritage-less-likely-to-breastfeed-165942-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养结果与出生地点的关系]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/association-between-breast-feeding-outcomes-and-place-of-birth-162523-1.htm There is a strong positive relationship between planned birth at home and breast feeding, finds a new study by academics in Trinity College Dublin. Breastfeeding was twice as likely after planned home births compared to hospital births. The research involved the largest population cohorts comprehensively examined to date for an association between breast feeding outcomes and place of birth in low risk pregnancies. The study from Trinity's Department of Public Health and Primary Care, which ... //www.nitorex.com/news/association-between-breast-feeding-outcomes-and-place-of-birth-162523-1.htm <![CDATA[停止羞辱那些想要母乳喂养孩子的妈妈]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/stop-mom-shaming-those-wanting-to-breastfeed-their-babies-162400-1.htm Shaming of women who feed their infants in public continues brazenly, even as the World Breastfeeding Week is being observed year after year. It is strange that men can urinate in public but women cannot feed in public! Even as we are in 2016, feeding in public is frowned upon, targeted and shamed. Women are compelled to leave home post delivery, whatever be the reason. And the baby does feel hungry. And no, rushing back home to sit behind closed walls is not an option! The theme that is ... //www.nitorex.com/news/stop-mom-shaming-those-wanting-to-breastfeed-their-babies-162400-1.htm <![CDATA[纯母乳喂养的婴儿作为儿童表现更好]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/exclusively-breastfed-babies-are-better-behaved-as-children-161051-1.htm Children who are breastfed exclusively for their first six months of life are better behaved as primary school students, says a new research. Carried out in South Africa, the study assessed more than 1,500 children and found a strong link between how long they were breastfed and signs of behavioral disorders between the ages of seven and 11. Children fed only breast milk for their first six months -- as recommended by the World Health Organization -- were 56 percent less likely to exhibit ... //www.nitorex.com/news/exclusively-breastfed-babies-are-better-behaved-as-children-161051-1.htm <![世卫组织建议:寨卡病毒流行国家的妇女应母乳喂养婴儿]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/who-recommendations-women-in-zika-hit-countries-should-breastfeed-babies-158130-1.htm The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that women infected with Zika virus should continue to breastfeed their babies as there is no proof of a risk of transmission. "In light of available evidence, the benefits of breastfeeding for the infant and mother outweigh any potential risk of Zika virus transmission through breast milk." the WHO said in interim recommendations to authorities in countries affected by the outbreak. The WHO noted that the Zika virus had been detected in the breast ... //www.nitorex.com/news/who-recommendations-women-in-zika-hit-countries-should-breastfeed-babies-158130-1.htm [CDATA[印度每年1450万婴儿被剥夺最佳母乳喂养方式]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/145-million-babies-deprived-of-optimal-breast-feeding-practices-annually-in-india-153017-1.htm As per the 4th Assessment of India's Policies and Programmes on Infant and Young Child Feeding report, Still the country is far from reaching its targets on improving the breast feeding rates.The report documented in "Arrested Development" revealed that as many as 14.5 million babies comprising 55 % of newborns in India annually, are deprived of optimal feeding practices in their first year after birth. The findings were released by Nutan Guha Biswas, additional secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development.... //www.nitorex.com/news/145-million-babies-deprived-of-optimal-breast-feeding-practices-annually-in-india-153017-1.htm <!母乳喂养的公共卫生信息如何导致现代母亲的焦虑和压力]> //www.nitorex.com/news/how-health-messages-of-breast-feeding-causing-modern-mums-anxiety-stress-150739-1.htm Modern mums are anxious and stressed about babies. The Monash University research shows mothers are feeling ashamed, marginalized and guilty because they can't meet the strict public health messages of breast feeding and sudden infant death campaigns. They feel even more inadequate when told to use their maternal instinct to solve mothering issues when they are confused by conflicting information and they are battling to live up to an idealized image of how motherhood "should" be. Twenty mothers ... //www.nitorex.com/news/how-health-messages-of-breast-feeding-causing-modern-mums-anxiety-stress-150739-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养和婴儿配方奶粉的选择]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/the-choice-between-breast-feeding-and-new-infant-milk-formulas-150377-1.htm Breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants. Experts recommended that babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first six months. Beyond that, breastfeeding is encouraged until 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing. However, breastfeeding may not be possible for all women. Parents nowadays have to make a tough choice between breast feeding and new infant milk formulas. The decision to breastfeed or formula feed is based on the mothers comfort level, lifestyle, and specific medical situations.... //www.nitorex.com/news/the-choice-between-breast-feeding-and-new-infant-milk-formulas-150377-1.htm <!澳大利亚有纹身的母亲赢得母乳喂养11个月大儿子的权利 //www.nitorex.com/news/australian-mother-with-tattoos-wins-right-to-breastfeed-her-11-month-old-son-150218-1.htm An Australian mother who was ordered to stop breastfeeding her baby due to the risk of infection from tattoos by a court has won her appeal against the decision. The 20-year-old mother, who cannot be named, was ordered not to breastfeed her 11-month old son earlier this month by a judge concerned about the risk of him contracting HIV or other diseases from two new tattoos. But the full bench of the Family Court on June 19 unanimously reversed the decision, ruling that the evidence "was not capable of establishing the risk identified".... //www.nitorex.com/news/australian-mother-with-tattoos-wins-right-to-breastfeed-her-11-month-old-son-150218-1.htm <![CDATA[如果你是一个新妈妈,母乳喂养你的孩子减少吸烟]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/smoking-can-be-reduced-by-new-mothers-through-breastfeeding-148399-1.htm A new study has found that women who breastfeed their infants for at least 90 days smoke less in the months following childbirth as opposed to women who breastfeed for a small period of time or who do not breastfeed at all. While a large number of women quit or reduce smoking upon pregnancy recognition, many resume smoking postpartum. "Although women decreased their tobacco consumption across their pregnancy, by nine months postpartum they had substantially increased their smoking," said study author Shannon Shisler.... //www.nitorex.com/news/smoking-can-be-reduced-by-new-mothers-through-breastfeeding-148399-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的婴儿成年后智力更高]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfeeding-leads-to-higher-intelligence-scores-in-adulthood-147475-1.htm People breastfed as infants have higher intelligence scores in adulthood, and higher earnings, suggests a study published that tracked the development of 3,500 newborns over 30 years. And, critically, the socioeconomic status of mothers appeared to have little impact on breastfeeding results, according to a paper published by The Lancet medical journal. "The effect of breastfeeding on brain development and child intelligence is well established," lead author Bernardo Lessa Horta of the ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfeeding-leads-to-higher-intelligence-scores-in-adulthood-147475-1.htm <![CDATA[健康和营养益处促使母亲选择母乳喂养大龄婴儿]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/health-and-nutrition-benefits-motivate-moms-who-choose-to-breastfeed-older-babies-142349-1.htm A study to be presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference (and) Exhibition in San Diego reveals that mothers who decide to breastfeed their children beyond 1 year of age consider their child's physical and social development to be most important. The advice of health care professionals, family and friends is least important in this scenario. To find out why some moms choose to continue nursing after a child's first birthday, researchers surveyed more than 50,000 U.... //www.nitorex.com/news/health-and-nutrition-benefits-motivate-moms-who-choose-to-breastfeed-older-babies-142349-1.htm <![婴儿恒河猴母乳喂养Vs.奶瓶喂养 //www.nitorex.com/news/breast-feeding-vs-bottle-feeding-in-infant-rhesus-monkeys-141005-1.htm Infant rhesus monkeys receiving different diets early in life develop distinct immune systems that persist months after weaning. This was shown in a study by researchers from UC Davis, the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) at UC Davis and UC San Francisco. The study, which compares breast- and bottle-fed infants, appears online September 3 in iScience Translational Medicine/i. While the researchers expected different diets would promote different intestinal bacteria ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breast-feeding-vs-bottle-feeding-in-infant-rhesus-monkeys-141005-1.htm <![CDATA[使用抗癫痫药物的母亲母乳喂养的儿童没有不良认知影响]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/kids-breastfed-by-moms-using-antiepileptic-drugs-show-no-adverse-cognitive-effects-137571-1.htm Kids breastfed by moms using antiepileptic drugs did not show any adverse cognitive effects. strongBottom Line:/strong Breastfeeding by mothers treated with antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy was not associated with adverse effects on cognitive function in children at 6 years. strongAuthor: /strongKimford J. Meador, M.D., of Stanford University, California, and colleagues for the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (NEAD) Study Group. strongBackground: /strongSome ... //www.nitorex.com/news/kids-breastfed-by-moms-using-antiepileptic-drugs-show-no-adverse-cognitive-effects-137571-1.htm <![CDATA[大量母乳喂养的婴儿缺乏饮食多样性]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/dietary-diversity-lacking-among-many-heavily-breastfed-infants-135629-1.htm A new Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center study has claimed that approximately three of every four Cincinnati infants heavily breastfeed after the age of six months is not obtaining the level of dietary diversity recommended by the World Health Organization. The study raises the question of whether better education is needed about the importance of introducing at least four food groups a day after six months until the age of 2. "Much of the previous work in the area of dietary ... //www.nitorex.com/news/dietary-diversity-lacking-among-many-heavily-breastfed-infants-135629-1.htm <![CDATA[出生体重较低和母乳喂养较少的儿童成人炎症和疾病水平较高]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/higher-levels-of-adult-inflammation-and-disease-in-lower-birth-weight-and-less-breastfed-children-135104-1.htm Higher levels of chronic inflammation that contributes to cardiovascular disease in young adults is more likely in individuals born at lower birth weights and those breastfed less than three months, suggests a new Northwestern University study. Based on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Northwestern researchers evaluated how levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a key biomarker of inflammation, linked back to birth weight and breastfeeding duration for nearly 7,000 24- to 32-year-olds.... //www.nitorex.com/news/higher-levels-of-adult-inflammation-and-disease-in-lower-birth-weight-and-less-breastfed-children-135104-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的婴儿学习成绩优于非母乳喂养的婴儿]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-babies-are-academically-better-than-non-breastfed-counterparts-132609-1.htm Previous research has indicated that children who were breastfed scored higher on IQ tests and performed better in school but the reason behind this remained unclear. Now a new study by sociologists pinpoints two parenting skills as the real source of this cognitive boost - responding to children's emotional cues and reading to children starting at 9 months of age. "Breastfeeding mothers tend to do both of those things," said lead study author Ben Gibbs from Utah-based Brigham Young University.... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-babies-are-academically-better-than-non-breastfed-counterparts-132609-1.htm <!教宗方济各鼓励母亲母乳喂养]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/pope-francis-encourages-mothers-to-breastfeed-130406-1.htm During the baptism of the Lord mass in Vatican's Sistine Chapel, Pope Francis urged mothers to breastfeed their hungry toddlers. Breastfeeding: Breast milk is the milk produced by a lactating female. Breastfeeding should commence as soon as possible after giving birth and every 1 to 3 hours per 24 hours (8-12 times per 24 hours). Babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months and continued with weaning until 12 months and further on, depending on the situation of the mother and child.... //www.nitorex.com/news/pope-francis-encourages-mothers-to-breastfeed-130406-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的孩子更容易从口吃中恢复]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-kids-more-likely-to-recover-from-stuttering-123234-1.htm Kids who are breastfed during infancy are more likely to recover from stuttering and return to fluent speech, according to a new study. The analysis found a dose-dependent association between breastfeeding and a child's likelihood of recovering from stuttering, with children who were breastfed longer more likely to recover. Boys, who are disproportionately affected by stuttering, appeared to benefit the most. Boys in the study who breastfed for more than a year had approximately one-sixth ... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-kids-more-likely-to-recover-from-stuttering-123234-1.htm <![剑桥公爵夫人决定母乳喂养乔治王子]> //www.nitorex.com/news/the-duchess-of-cambridge-decides-to-breastfeed-prince-george-122793-1.htm The Duchess of Cambridge has reportedly opted to breastfeed her new son Prince George Alexander Louis, instead of using formula milk in a bottle, it has been revealed. One senior royal source told the Mirror that it would be fair to say that the new baby has a healthy appetite. According to the insider, there were some difficulties at first as new mums can get a little tense. The source asserted that with some help from the midwife, the mom-son duo both caught on very quickly. The ... //www.nitorex.com/news/the-duchess-of-cambridge-decides-to-breastfeed-prince-george-122793-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳喂养的人更有机会获得成功]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-people-have-better-chance-for-getting-ahead-121012-1.htm A study revealed that people breastfed as infants have a 24 percent better chance than their formula-fed counterparts of climbing the social ladder. Conversely, being fed mothers' milk as a baby also reduced one's chances of social demotion later in life by as much as 20 percent, said the findings published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood. "Our study adds to evidence on the health benefits of breast feeding by showing that there may be lifelong social benefits," wrote the British research team.... //www.nitorex.com/news/breastfed-people-have-better-chance-for-getting-ahead-121012-1.htm <![CDATA[夏奇拉想母乳喂养她的儿子直到他上大学]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/shakira-will-breastfeed-her-son-until-he-goes-to-college-119851-1.htm Shakira has revealed that she wants to breastfeed her son until he starts going to college. The 36-year-old singer, who welcomed her first child, Milan, with footballer boyfriend Gerard Pique, four months ago, told US Weekly that she just loves pumping out her breast milk to feed her toddler, the Mirror reported. She asserted that breastfeeding has been one of the best experiences of her life. "I love it! I can't stop! I think I'm going to breastfeed him until he goes to college! I'm hooked!" Shakira said.... //www.nitorex.com/news/shakira-will-breastfeed-her-son-until-he-goes-to-college-119851-1.htm <![CDATA[母乳分享网站让母乳喂养的妈妈小心谨慎]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/breast-feeding-mothers-to-be-cautious-about-milk-sharing-websites-113962-1.htm Medical experts have cautioned people about inherent risks related to sharing breast milk after the response of many thousands of mothers who have registered on milk sharing websites. Mothers who experience a problem with breastfeeding look to connect with websites offering help. For instance, The Facebook page 'Human Milk 4 Human Babies' has become popular as way to get to know contacts of wet nurses. The page is hugely popular and has attracted the membership of more than 4000 Australian members.... //www.nitorex.com/news/breast-feeding-mothers-to-be-cautious-about-milk-sharing-websites-113962-1.htm <![CDATA[在母乳喂养期间服用免疫抑制剂对婴儿没有风险]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/taking-immunosuppressants-during-breast-feeding-pose-no-risk-to-babies-113392-1.htm Breast feeding women who take immunosuppressant drug, tacrolimus, does not raise their babies' exposure to the drug, finds a study. The findings are good news for young women who have received an organ transplant in the past or who are taking the drug for other reasons. Women taking the tacrolimus have previously been advised not to breast feed due to the possibility that the drug might be transferred to the baby, which could potentially suppress the baby's developing immune system. While ... //www.nitorex.com/news/taking-immunosuppressants-during-breast-feeding-pose-no-risk-to-babies-113392-1.htm <![CDATA[母亲在医院误喂了错宝宝]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/mom-breastfeeds-wrong-baby-following-mix-up-at-hospital-111166-1.htm A mix-up at a Minneapolis hospital saw a nurse handover the wrong baby to a mother of twins who then proceeded to breast feed it before realizing the problem. The baby will now have to undergo medical tests for HIV for nearly a year with the mother livid at the mix-up. Tammy Van Dyke revealed that she was asleep when her son, Cody, was handed over to the wrong mother two days after his birth at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. The mother later on realized something was wrong and informed the nurse ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mom-breastfeeds-wrong-baby-following-mix-up-at-hospital-111166-1.htm <![CDATA[选择母乳喂养婴儿的母亲必须应对收入损失]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-have-to-deal-with-income-loss-if-they-opt-to-breastfeed-their-babies-100767-1.htm Even as breastfeeding is recommended as the most effective and cost-free way of improving a baby's health, a new study has found that breastfeeding mothers have to pay "hidden costs" as compared to those who use formula milk. "Breastfeeding for six months or longer is only free if a mother's time is worth absolutely nothing," said Mary C. Noonan, an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa, and coauthor of the study, "Is Breastfeeding Truly Cost Free? Income Consequences of ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mothers-have-to-deal-with-income-loss-if-they-opt-to-breastfeed-their-babies-100767-1.htm